Our Services

We are here to help you:

  • define your career goals.
  • apply for a job.
  • prepare for an interview.
  • explore internships.
  • seek networking opportunities.

Schedule an appointment with us in HANDSHAKE!

You can also drop-in during office hours (9am to 4pm M-F) as we recognize students have busy schedules to keep.

Each department will have its own Internship course specific to your program of study that you can enroll that can count as an elective.

There are also zero credit Internship courses available so you can have your internship on your transcript, but not have the tuition.
(Remember it does not count towards graduation.)

INT 290
Total Credit Hours (0 credit)
Provides an opportunity to gain
knowledge and skills from a structured
and supervised work experience in a
career field the student is exploring. Pass/
Fail grading. This course does not replace
existing departmental internships and
serves only as a supplemental internship
option for undergraduates.

INT 390
Internship – Intermediate
Total Credit Hours (0 credit)
Internships are on-campus or off-campus
experiential learning activities designed
to provide students with opportunities
to make connections between the theory
and practice of academic study and
the practical application of that study
in a professional work environment.
Internships offer the opportunity to
“try out” a career while gaining relevant
experience and professional connections.
Pass/Fail grading.

INT 490
Internship – Advanced
Total Credit Hours (0 credit)
Provides an opportunity to gain
knowledge and skills from a structured
and supervised work experience in a
career field the student is exploring.
This course does not replace existing
departmental internships and serves only
as a supplemental internship option for
undergraduates. Pass/Fail grading.

Check out these Career and Life Readiness Courses!

BA 210
Be Career Ready
Total Credit Hours (1)
This practical course provides students
with up-to-date tools leading to satisfy
career employment. This includes both
online and face-to-face instruction in
interviewing techniques and developing
sensitivity to organization culture.
Instruction will be provided for the
development of plans for personal
advancement and career path selection.

BA 231
Personal Finance
Total Credit Hours (3)
This course is designed as an introduction
to personal finance, with its application
in consumer financial decision making.
Topics include strategies for budgeting,
saving, taxation, consumer banking,
consumer insurance products, credit
management, automobile purchases, home
ownership, and retirement planning.

What is a Career Trek?

We take students to visit local and regional employers. Career treks give students an opportunity to connect with employers and get insight into an industry or company. They typically consist of a tour, an overview of the company/organization, and an opportunity to hear from current employees about their roles. Students really appreciate genuine conversation about employees’ daily responsibilities and their personal career journey. Common discussions revolve around employees’ initial interests in the company, the industry and the hiring process.

Students who participate in a Career Trek will be able to:

  • Determine how this experience fits in with their career development plan.
  • Identify at least 4 out of the 8 NACE Career Readiness Competencies and tie them back to their experience at the Career Trek.
  • Clarify their career goals and assess if this is a career that they wish to pursue.
  • Develop a better understanding of all aspects involved in a job. Students can observe not only job characteristics and responsibilities but also what each profession requires on a day-to-day basis.
  • Describe the steps involved in seeking employment with your company.

Check our events for upcoming Career Treks!

We are happy to come to your class(es) to provide:

  • resume/cover letter help
  • interview etiquette
  • networking & building your brand
  • Internship Hub/Center for Career & Calling services and information
  • steps for obtaining an internship
  • Job & Internship Fair preparation and navigation
  • other career topics

Fill out this quick online form and we will see you in class.

The Center for Career & Calling offers PeopleGrove to help
alumni & students connect.
Sign in and start meeting other Saints!

Retrieved from: https://www.peoplegrove.com/solutions/student-alumni/

Career Champion

Looking for a mentor in your field of study? Have general questions about job searching, careers, or life advice? Connect with an SMU Career Champion!

Handshake is the platform we use to have employers post jobs and internships for students to search and apply.

As a student you have an account that you can sign into and set up your profile which helps recruiters know your interests, skills, experiences, etc.
We encourage students to do this during their first semester at SMU. Please let us know if you need help.

The Center for Career & Calling hosts multiple Job & Internship Fairs
(check out our Events Calendar for upcoming fairs)

All majors are welcome at every fair although we do try to use an industry focus to bring in different employers to each fair.

Our typical plan each year is to offer 1 Fair each Semester (except summer).

These fairs give students an opportunity to:
explore industries,
build networking skills,
ask employers questions,
and set up interviews.

Basic Tips to Prepare for a Job & Internship Fair

  • Meet with the Internship Hub and Center for Career & Calling team to review your resume and cover letter.
  • Do research ahead of time on the organizations/companies you’re meeting with prior to the fair. Each fair will have a program listing all attending employers.
  • Have professional attire on (at least your top half) for your conversations/appointments.
    • If you have an interview scheduled (some employers will offer that at fairs) you can meet with our team before the fair to practice with a mock interview. Remember to bring copies of your resume and a few questions to ask the employer.
  • Make sure to log into the fair at the registration table, enter drawings, and have a good time.

Previous Fair Programs:

Check out our Events Calendar for upcoming Workshops & Events

Some of our most popular events are:

Etiquette Dinner

This is a professionalism workshop that includes learning dining etiquette as well as other networking and professional skills. It is offered in the evening as a formal meal with seating charts.

The meal is catered by Bon Appétit. A sample menu of previous workshops is: salad and roll to start, then either steak and veggies or a vegan option, and then a dessert.

You will have to give a refundable $5 deposit to hold your seat. You get that back when you sign in at the event registration table.

Resume Writing Workshops

This is an opportunity to learn the do’s and don’ts of resume writing, including the format, action words, transferable skills, etc.

LinkedIn Profile

This talks about the value of networking using LinkedIn. You can learn how to build a profile and/or rate your current profile to see if there are areas you can improve. Recruiters could find your profile so you want to build it to brand yourself to get the job you want.

Have an idea for a workshop or event?
Let us know, we love to try new things! careers@stmartin.edu
Alumni and employers are welcome to get involved too.